Welcome! to the home of the Kid Chimney and the Thrash Jazz Assassins, a colloidal suspension of semi-volatile musicians connected via symmetry-governed electrostatic interactions. The group formed spontaneously in the fall of 2011 following an impromptu set, where electrodelic percussionist Kid Chimney joined forces with bassist Mick Nulder and guitarist Greg of the famed A Crunchy Dinosaur collective. An energy was experienced by all those present, and it was good. The ranks were soon bolstered by vocalist/multi-instrumentalist/scholar Tit Hoosjien, and it was on that day the the world shook violently, for Kid Chimney and the Thrash Jazz Assassins was born.

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A Murky History

Prior to 2011, the members of Kid Chimney & The Thrash-Jazz Assassins were friends, most of whom were involved with the famed A Crunchy Dinosaur collective.  The collective has a deep history to that which is explained in the next paragraph, but it has yet to be deciphered by scholars.  A collective believed to have begun in later half of the year 2009 AD, the true reality of whose conception and evolution may never be truly understood.  What is known is of the group involves the birth of a lovechild, conceived in mid-2011.

The most recent incarnation began as an impromptu collaboration between members of the A Crunchy Dinosaur collective and the electro-beat mastermind Kid Chimney.  The group was formed at the suggestion of Kid Chimney, an ambient electronica powerhouse after an exciting jam session with bassist Mick Nulder and guitarist Greg of the famed A Crunchy Dinosaur collective.  The trio performed its first show November 2011 at West Chester University in West Chester, PA. Billed as Kid Chimney & the Thrash-Jazz Assassins, the trio melted minds that night.  A heart-stopping set, chock full of genre-bending, mind-altering musical masterpieces, literally blew the audience members out of the building, resulting in multiple injuries and vast property damage.  Those injured, however, could not complain - for they had been blessed by the presence of Kid Chimney & The Thrash-Jazz Assassins

Soon joined by vocalist and scholar Tit Hoosjien, the group shortened their name to The Thrash-Jazz Assassins and and set out on a small summer tour.  Finally, after the fun-filled summer and lots of parking lot deliberation, the members decided to revert to A Crunchy Dinosaur, a move which emphasizes the confusion surrounding the nature of this particular group. 

The somewhat sparse summer tour continued with two stops in the Pottstown, PA area followed by an extravagant tour finale flush with fresh material at The Family Farm in Glenside, PA, one of the group's most beloved venues.

After enjoying a much deserved hiatus while Guitarist / Kaoss-Padist Greg embarked upon his nationwide tour with The Frankl Boys' Family Band, they returned on stage and in style on September 15 at West Chest University, where they blessed the audience with an entirely new set.

The group has been rather quiet lately, performing intimate and heavily improvised sets at the Happy China Mansion in south Philly.  The lull allowed time to ponder.  Pondering led to questioning the nature of the band, and the questions evolved into a vote.  After several months of masquerading as a reinvention of the A Crunchy Dinosaur collective, it was decided to accept our instincts - to adopt the original group persona of Kid Chimney & The Thrash-Jazz Assassins

As fall comes around, so will the Thrash Jazz -  expect new material and better shows, coming soon to a tiny basement near you.

- Fin -

A Crunchy Dinosaur Presents: Kid Chimney & The Thrash Jazz Assassins 
is a Chimney Beats production 
in association with Ottoman Empire Records.

Copyright 2012.

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